澳洲宣布 covid-19 陽性的不再需要隔離!


最新消息,澳洲政府正式宣布 10 月 14 日 開始,正式取消 covid-19 檢驗陽性強制隔離的規定。也就是說,除了醫療和老人照護等行業,covid-19檢驗陽性,已經不需要自我隔離在家。

首席醫療官保羅凱利說 目前 covid-19 的傳播率很低,疫苗接種率很高。

It does not in any way suggest that the pandemic is finished”

We will almost certainly see future peaks of the virus into the future, as we have seen earlier in this year.

However, at the moment, we have very low rates of … cases, hospitalisations, intensive care admissions, aged-care outbreaks and various other measures that we have been following very closely.

之前的規定是,對 covid-19 檢測呈陽性,則需要隔離五天。



參考資料 : abc 新聞

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